Faculty of Science
The Amsterdam Excellence Scholarship (AES) is a full scholarship of €25,000 (covering tuition and living expenses) for one academic year with the possibility of extension for a second year (for two-year Master’s programmes).
AES application deadline
The deadline for application is 1 February
Candidates wishing to apply for an AES programme must meet the following requirements:
- Hold a non-EU/EEA passport and not be eligible for support under the Dutch system of study grants and loans (Studiefinanciering; for more information please refer to www.DUO.nl). The scholarship office should be notified as soon as possible of any change in nationality, type of residence permit, and/or possible Studiefinanciering support throughout the academic year.
- Be (provisionally) admitted to a Master’s Programme of the Faculty of Science. The application procedure will start as soon as you submit the online application form online application form
- On the basis of a completed questionnaire, the Coordinator will evaluate the candidate’s academic background. If the background is relevant, the Programme Coordinator will forward your application to the Exam Committee which makes the final decision. Read the full application procedure at the website of the Master’s programme of your choice.
Selection criteria for the scholarship
In addition to the admission requirements of the Master’s programme eligible candidates are selected on the basis of their academic excellence and promise in the proposed field as evidenced by:
- the candidate’s academic records. Students belonging to the top 10% of graduates from their class can apply;
- the academic quality of the educational institute where the undergraduate (or graduate) programme has been obtained;
- at least two letters of reference from academic staff members
- the quality of the letter of motivation (maximum 500 words) in which the candidate explains the reasons for choosing the specific Master’s programme (broader context, relevance for future career);
- a description of extracurricular activities such as participation in student commissions, international experience, sports or music at a high level or volunteer work;
- proof of English proficiency (IELS/TOEFL) :TOEFL (internet-based) – overall score of 100 (with a minimum score of 22 in each of the different components), IELTS (academic) – overall score of 7.0 (with at least 7.0 in each of the four components);
- the quality of the application as a whole (completeness, accuracy, consistency).
- AES will not be awarded to candidates who are admitted for a second Master’s programme at the UvA.
- The candidate should not receive another scholarship for the same period of study as the AES. Notify the scholarships office when another scholarship has been awarded and accepted.
How to apply?
You have to apply for the Master’s programme of your choice via the regular online application form.
Afterwards, the coordinators of the MSc Programmes decide which students qualify to apply for the scholarship. The International Team will contact those students with the request to write an AES letter of motivation (maximum 500 words) in which the student explains the reasons for choosing the specific Science Programme (broader context, relevance for future career), addressed to the International Team of the Faculty of Science.
This letter should be accompanied with the other required application documents. Please note the letter may be sent by means of email to the International Team (master-science@uva.nl). The other documents, original certified and translated copies of your academic transcripts and secondary certificates must be sent as hard copies to:
University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Science
Education Service Centre / International Team
Science Park 904, room B1.28
1098 XH Amsterdam
The Netherlands
For express mail mention on the envelope the phone number (only to be used for mail deliveries) +31 (0)20 525 7100
Specific questions may be posed in writing to the International Team of the Faculty of Science, ” target=”_blank” href=”mailto:master-science@uva.nl” style=”color: rgb(102, 102, 102); outline: none; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgb(153, 153, 153);”>master-science@uva.nl