In the third quarter of 2021, the PDA Child Abuse Tracker recorded a total of 23 child abuse cases. Out of this number, 17 were cases of child sexual abuse, and while there was only 1 reported case of child abuse, there were 5 reported instances of physical abuse.
The most affected victims of child abuse continue to be females, with 20 female victims and 3 male victims. While there is better representation of incident reports across the various regions of Ghana, the prevalence of child abuse cases in the Greater Accra region remains high, comprising 10 out of the 23 reported cases.
Finally, the most significant perpetrators of child abuse during the period were community members. 14 out of the 23 reported cases were effected by community members, while 6, 2, and 1 were carried out by relatives, peers, and school authorities respectively.
The PDA child abuse tracker is an online platform for recording cases of child abuse reported in both online and print media in Ghana. We encourage the general public and child workers to report any incidents of child abuse using the platform on our website.
Find below the details of 2021 third-quarter child abuse cases below: