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- Create Date January 18, 2022
- Last Updated January 18, 2022
Concept Note of Upcoming report on the State of Child Protection in Ghana
Millions of children across the globe are prone to a compendium of abuses, ranging from physical, emotional and verbal to sexual abuses1. The vulnerability of children is particularly dire in the developing world where welfare institutions are generally weak, and state machineries struggle to address the plights of the vulnerable. 2 While child related vulnerabilities are a world-wide problem, the existing trends look worrisome for developing countries, and more so in sub-Saharan Africa. For example, without strenuous efforts, child marriage is projected to escalate from the current estimated 700 million children in the world to 950 million in 2030. By 2050, more than half of child marriage victims are projected to be in sub-Saharan Africa3. Again, due to factors such as poverty, gender, ethnicity, disability, geographical location or resource misallocation, about 124 million school-going children are still out of school. Once again, more than 50% are said to be living in sub-Saharan Africa4. Thus, in all aspects of child rights, children in sub-Saharan Africa are the most vulnerable due to economic, sociocultural and environmental factors.