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- Create Date January 18, 2022
- Last Updated January 18, 2022
Digital Technologies Use Among Female-Led MSMEs in Ghana: Access, Constraints and Options for Closing the Gaps
Digital technologies are rapidly disrupting work and business ecosystems around the world Digital technologies are rapidly disrupting work and business ecosystems around the world (Mazzarol, 2015). In 2016, the digital economy was estimated at USD 11.5 trillion or 15.5% of global gross domestic product (GDP) and was expected to reach 25% in less than a decade—far outperforming the growth of the traditional sectors (World Bank, 2019). In the developing world, this ongoing digital transition offers small businesses the opportunity to access wider markets, connect to global supply chains and improve access to business information and financial resources (Cesaroni, Demartini & Paoloni, 2017). In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), electronic payments dominated by mobile money platforms by telecommunication companies are driving financial inclusion among the underserved (Huawei & Oxford Economics, 2016). Similarly, e-commerce is growing rapidly in Africa with an estimated annual growth rate of more than 40%, while the entire digital economy of Africa is estimated to reach USD 300 billion by 2025 (World Bank, 2019; McKinsey, 2013).