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- Create Date January 18, 2022
- Last Updated January 18, 2022
The State of Youth Health in Ghana’s Construction Industry (Mental Health)
This brief presents findings from a mixed-methods study that explores the state of mental health among young workers (aged 18-35 years) in Ghana’s construction industry. The study focused on workers in the three largest urban areas in Ghana (i.e., Accra/Tema, Kumasi, and Takoradi/ Cape-Coast). Interviews and a focus group discussion with health experts, employers, and young workers revealed the most common mental health problems to be mood and substance use disorders. A survey of 445 young construction workers revealed a high prevalence of mania1 , substance abuse/addiction disorder, somatic symptoms2 , sleep problems, depression3 , anxiety disorder4 , and schizophrenia5 . Poor mental health significantly contributed to reduced work ability of young construction workers and days away from work. The research highlights the need to give proper attention to the management of youth health in the construction industry.