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- Create Date January 19, 2022
- Last Updated January 19, 2022
Voices and Evidence from End- Users of the GLTV and GLRRP Remote Learning Programme in Ghana
Government and relevant stakeholders have made efforts to reduce the impact of Covid-19 on Ghana’s educational system. However, as with many education systems around the world, Ghana's education system was not
prepared for the Covid-19 pandemic and lacked the resilience needed to adjust to the crisis. This led to disruptions to learning, loss of contact hours and learning support from teachers. The application of technology to teaching and learning has the potential to improve the robustness of education systems, limiting the impact of unexpected occurrences while ensuring quality education (⇡Coflan & Kaye, 2020). This study provides an assessment of EdTech use and its effectiveness for teaching and learning in Ghana during the Covid-19-related school closures, using the Ghana Learning Television (GLTV) and the Ghana Learning Radio and Reading Programme (GLRRP) as case studies.
By assessing the EdTech environment in Ghana, the study explores blended means of enhancing teaching and learning for all learners (particularly girls, learners with disabilities, and out-of-school and non-returning-to-school children) through EdTech in the post-Covid-19 era. Our research sets out the views and perspectives of end-users of the GLTV and GLRRP from urban and rural locations throughout Ghana, in the Greater Accra, Ashanti, and Northern regions