Since 2009, the DAAD Helmut-Schmidt-Programme (known as Public Policy and Good Governance) is supporting future leaders from Africa, Latin-America, South Asia and Southeast Asia, from countries in the Middle East as well as from the Ukraine who want to promote democracy and social justice in their home countries. The programme, which is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office, offers the chance to acquire a
Master’s degree in Master programmes of particular relevance for the social, political and economic development in the students’ countries of origin. In the light of the principles of Good Governance, highly qualified graduates with a first academic degree are being educated in political science, law, economics and administration and prepared for future leading positions in their home countries. In addition, the scholarship holders will hopefully continue to be qualified contact persons for German politics and economy after their return.
Besides supporting Good Governance and civil society structures in selected partner regions, the Helmut-Schmidt-programme also contributes to the internationalisation of the participating German universities and provides the German fellow students with insights into the world beyond Western industrialized countries
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To apply visit here