Feminism is defined by the online Oxford dictionary as a social theory or political movement which argues that legal and social restrictions on women must be removed in order to bring about equality of both sexes in all aspects of public and private life.
Who is a feminist?
Wikipedia explains feminism as a range of political movements, ideologies and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish and achieve political, economic, personal and professional opportunities for women that are equal to those for men.
Since the beginning of the world, in the days of Jesus to some point in some centuries, women were not paid attention to. Only few women were referred to in the bible but many women were not mentioned and a typical example is the feeding of the five thousand in the bible where women and children were not counted.
In some centuries back, during the Greek times, women were only to be seen and not heard. Women were not allowed to vote, they had to keep quiet, were mere housewives and had to be submissive with their dreams cut off because of the powerful ‘saying’ that a woman’s place is the kitchen. Which meant that no matter a woman’s education, she ends up in the kitchen and this reason made many father’s see no reason to put their daughters through education especially if they couldn’t afford the education of two children who were a boy and a girl respectively.
Notwithstanding, there was a time that people like Kwegyir Aggrey thought it was high time women were given what was rightfully due them in terms of education so he says, ‘When you educate a man, you educate one person but when you educate a woman, you educate a whole nation’. This is a clue that even feminism was born out of the concerns of a man. Since then, women’s equal right with men have been advocated over and over again and truthfully, men in general, had heard women’s plea and have been trying their best giving them the rights they wanted but you know what ? “Oliver asks for more” it seems women are never content until they have it all which is what has brought about all the ‘feminist nonsense’ that men don’t want to hear because they feel threatened.
Women’s equal right in education
Women advocates have fought and fought through decades and ages for girl-child education and this cry has been heard so in the 21st century, you will find more girls than ever going through schools to become doctors, teachers, lawyers, journalists etc and all the other professions which in the olden days were meant for masculinity. Although there are still challenges such as child marriage, unintended pregnancies, harmful gender stereotypes, poverty etc. But it’s obvious the politicians have heard women’s plea for equal educational right which is why they are trying their very best to make education free from the basic level through to the senior high so that more women will have the opportunity of being educated to take up professions which were only meant for men in the olden days. Currently, as a way of motivating women to take up courses which were meant for men, some universities are more considerate in reducing the general grades for women and raising the same grades for men.
Women’s equal right at the workplace
It is so obvious that there was a time when employers preferred men to women in their work places because the women they employed only worked few months and got pregnant which in the end reduced productivity of work. Sometimes, you will only realise that the woman you employed to work for you was already pregnant and couldn’t work to your satisfaction and after few months, they are appealing for a three or six months leave and as soon as they return to work, they are yet again pregnant but this was injustice against women since God was the one who created women to go through such phases but getting pregnant is not done by a woman only so once again women fought and fought till they had equal rights at the workplace. They, in the end get their birth leaves and are not refused jobs simply because they are women.
Women’s equal right in politics
There was a time women were not given the chance to engage in politics because the votes at the end of the election proved that the entire nation including both men and women didn’t want women’s rule but women fought for their rights to be in politics since they had motherly love to direct the nation to an expected end. They won in this as their reasons sank deep into the voters and finally, we have women in politics, women winning Parliamentary seats and being ministers. Currently, the only thing we are all looking forward to is to have a female president one day in Ghana.
Women’s equal right to sexuality
There was a time when sex in marriages was only controlled by men because a woman who showed her sexual urge to her husband often was seen as a very spoilt type. A woman had to wait and have sex with her husband only when he showed her signs of intimacy but then since this was another injustice against women, they fought through the years and now African women are to show their sexual urges without any shame. Women are given opportunities also to be in control sexually if they so desire without any cultural shame.
Women’s equal right in marriage
It is this right that is bringing lots of problems now. The bible clearly states in Ephesians 5:23 that ‘For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church….’ I tell you that women have no problem with this verse because this bible quote puts men in control especially in finances. They are the head so they should work the hardest as the bible said ‘by the sweat of your face you shall eat bread….’ Women, therefore, believe that men must provide for them and pay bills as well as school fees. Women don’t claim equality here because they know the bible too well. Well, it is also the same bible that mentions ‘submissiveness’ of a woman towards her husband and commands husbands to love their wives. That means that as long as a husband loves his wife, she has to be submissive. Now, submissiveness doesn’t mean being a housewife simply because you have given birth and forgetting all your dreams and future achievements, it doesn’t mean remaining silent when a husband has turned into a wrestler. It means being supportive and being helpful. In the creation of man and woman in the Garden of Eden, the serpent tempted the woman with a fruit! Have you asked why? Women are in charge of food. They cook because they must feed their children in the future, because it is every woman’s right to know how to cook.
A woman who doesn’t know how to cook in Africa is a big disappointment to womanhood. Notwithstanding, it is very wrong for a ‘single’ man to say to himself or have his family telling him to get married because she needs a woman to Cook for him. I don’t think men should get married simply because they need cooks in their various homes. It is very wrong for a man to decide marriage simply because he needs someone to wash his dirty clothes, that would mean you need a washing machine in a woman you will call your wife….that’s very bad. God promised man a helper and not a maid. A wife shouldn’t be treated as a mere maid. That is to say that it is more romantic when a man chooses to cook sometimes or wash sometimes; even washing his wife’s panties since he is the same man who takes them off. I know that some men in Africa feel that cooking and washing sometimes means their rights as heads of the family have been taken away from them because that is not the culture in practice. In Africa, boys hardly visit the kitchen, they only do so when they have to get already made food. In as much as it’s romantic when a man does these, it doesn’t mean women should demand that from them.
But I always see something funny and I think it is that funny thing which is making some feminists think that cooking for one’s husband after returning tired from work tantamount to slavery. When typical African men marry foreign women, they have no problem sharing chores (cooking and washing) with them but when they marry their own, they see cooking and other domestic chores as the weakness of men. Why?
In conclusion, if a feminist has a problem with washing her husband’s clothes then tell your husband to get you a washing machine if he can afford or buy one yourself.
If a feminist has problems with cooking food which her husband has given her money for it and she is going to share with her husband and children and probably her own mother if she lives with her, then I think she should get a maid and she shouldn’t also complain if the maid in the end warms her husband’s bed because as you know, the maid is already a slave and doesn’t see anything wrong being a slave to her madam’s husband’s needs. I hope you see reason why this ‘feminist nonsense’ must stop.
The writer is a feminist