As part of delivering on PDA’s Strategic Theme 2: “Youth empowerment to generate positive development in their communities”, its youngest creative business support unit (PDA Support Services) is commencing a paid graduate internship programme in April 2018.
The aim of the graduate internship is to support tertiary level recent graduates to gain;
i. further skills development
ii. hands-on training which shall use the knowledge they acquired in school
iii.mentorship in focusing their goals and achieving set targets
iv.opportunity to;
a) build their management competencies and get a sneak peek into PDA’s development, advocacy and communication work.
b) build their CV’s,
c) learn to excel in the business world and
d) even obtain full-time employment with paid retirement benefits once they excel.
The internship location is at the PDA Support Services office located at KNUST (tech) junction, above Juliponia pharmacy in Kumasi,although the successful candidate shall also have the opportunity to work with PDA main office in Accra.