The Board Chairperson of PDA Agri-Industry and Social Enterprise (PASE), Mr. Tony Dogbe, has been invited to be one of the speakers at an international workshop in the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom (UK). The workshop which is on 1st and 2nd May, 2018 is on the theme “New Frontiers of Palm Oil: Tackling the Multi-Dimensional Dynamics of Palm Oil Expansion in West Africa”.
Mr. Dogbe is also the Board Chairperson of Participatory Development Associates. He brings to the workshop his rich experience as a development practitioner, and as someone who has been involved in the palm oil sector as a principal advisor to PASE’s palm oil enterprise at Kunsu, near Mankranso, in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. He also, in 2017, supported the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to put together a proposal for ‘Promoting Decent Work in Ghana’s Palm Oil Sector’.
Participants at the workshop would be privileged to have him share his invaluable experiences in palm oil and agri-industry at large.