STRATEGIC THEMES 2022 – 2027 (Extended Version)
STRATEGIC THEMES 2022 – 2027 (Short Version)
Our strategic themes represent our broad working framework, where we intend to focus to achieve vision, create impact and change in communities, districts and national levels.
Strategic Theme 1
Community-driven development and demand for accountability in service delivery
Focal Areas
This strategic theme will mainly focus on developing the capacity of communities to:
- define, plan and implement their own development agenda
- facilitate improvements in local accountability mechanisms, particularly in decentralised government, food security, education, sanitation and waste management
- support the integration of traditional actors (chiefs) as agents of change.
Strategic Theme 2
Youth empowerment to generate positive development in their communities
Focal Areas
This strategic theme focuses on empowering the youth through coaching, mentoring, appropriate use of technology and skill development in the following areas:
- Advocating for decent employment, internship and a smooth school-to-work transition.
- Entrepreneurial and social enterprise development skills
- Youth participation in decision-making and governance processes
- Promote health, safety and wellbeing of the youth
- Nurturing leadership capability among the youth
Strategic Theme 3
Promoting empowering and experiential forms of Learning
Focal Areas
This strategic theme seeks to explore and promote innovative forms of learning, advocate for good quality teaching and meeting the different learning needs of children.
Areas of particular focus will be:
- Facilitating community ownership of education
- Promoting the concepts behind and the practical application of Multiple Intelligences
- Advocating for quality teaching and learning methods at all levels
- Partnering and collaborating with organizations working with marginalised children such as those with intellectual and physical disabilities
- Developing innovative and creative online education opportunities.
- Assisting private schools in terms of restructuring and enabling them to be resilient in post-COVID-19 era
Strategic Theme 4
Child rights and social protection
Focal Areas
This area will aim to promote child rights by paying particular attention to:
- advocating for the implementation of the national child protection policy
- respecting and amplifying the voice of children in family and community decision making
- Empowering families to reduce child neglect and abuse
- Advocate against child slavery and child labour.
- Child and youth online protection
- Advocate for organizational safeguarding policies
Strategic Theme 5
Good Governance and Political Stability
Focal Areas
PDA will engage citizens’ organizations for social and political change, partnering with others to promote peace and security, and facilitate transparency and accountability in governance institutions in order to nurture political stability. Focal areas will be:
- Promoting and facilitating the kind of leadership practices needed for good governance, enhancing the legitimacy of the state and making accountability a practical reality in the lives of all citizens
- Working with others to promote peace and security in Ghana and the sub-region
- Promoting citizenship and participation in local governance processes Joining with and engaging citizens’ organisations for social and political change
- Promoting and building responsible and capable media
- Joining citizens’ organisations to speak out, and where possible, take action against corrupt practices.
Strategic Theme 6
Climate change and environmental sustainability
Focal Areas
Support mitigation and adaptation to climate change and the protection of the environment by strengthening the capacity of citizens and local institutions, engaging actively with natural resource governance and sharing innovative practices and methodologies. Focusing in particular on:
- Climate change, environmental protection, and responsible mining advocacy
- Natural resource governance, with an emphasis on citizens’ voice
- Partnerships with organisations focused on climate change and environmental sustainability.
- Advocacy for the use of renewable energy
Strategic Theme 7
Agribusiness, improved agriculture and climate change
Focal Areas
Promote innovative, sustainable agriculture and agribusiness by developing a production centre for sustainable, inexpensive and environmentally sound agricultural production. This centre will also serve as:
- An incubation centre for interested youth and women agricultural entrepreneurs in the experimentation and promotion of agricultural technology and good agricultural practices
- A best-practice resource centre for training small-scale farmers, especially the youth, women, and persons with disability, in successful crop production, livestock production and fish farming
- A research centre in the optimized use of natural products, agricultural production and processing, and in integrated management of plant pests and diseases
- An extension service centre for making the lessons from our production centre and from research centres and institutions of higher learning across the country directly available to farmers.
- A renewable energy centre in the utilization of organic waste into bioenergy for domestic and commercial use.
Strategic Theme 8
Financial Inclusion and Access to Finance
Focal Areas
Create an enabling environment for communities and individuals including the youth, women and the vulnerable to development a savings culture and facilitate access to microcredit.
- Facilitate processes for communities and individuals to build savings culture
- Provide financial literacy training
- Create a platform for gender mainstreaming through the provision of social, economic and life skills training.
- Support and promote the use of digital financial inclusion (savings and payments)